Tuesday, December 27, 2011
where to go eh?
kejap nk g hiroshima la..kejap hokkaido lah..kejap kyoto la..
the point is die nk naik shinkansen(ketapi laju tuh)..
sbbnye die x pnah naik lg..teringin la naik sekali kot b4 blk for good..hehe
aku dah pnah naik sekali..free lak tuh sbb company yg byr fare masa g interview kat osaka..hehe
ermm..plannye pegi blk hari pon xpe..or tdo sehari kat hotel pun xpe..
tapinye..tapinyee..ku dah check tiket shinkansen+hotel sume mhl2 utk akhir thn ni smpi awal thn dpn..sorg dlm 2man++(rm800++)..kalu berdua dah 4man++..huhu..tiket aku g osaka dulu pun 2man gak return tp x kesah sbb bkn aku yg byr..hehe..
so ckp kat encek suami nnt la tgk lps2 new year ke or lps die siap thesis ke kan..lg pon sejukkkk..x bape syok la plak kan kalo nk jln..huhu
plan dolu2 ingt nk g korea tapinye..haha..tp kite hanya mampu merancang sahaja kan?siap ckp kat ayah mcm dah cnfirm je nk pegi sbb ayah mcm nk pegi..haha
bile preggy x berani la pulak nk jln jauh2 smpi naik plane..baby's safety lg penting!so kite tggu after deliver ye kite jln2 ngan baby skali!(mcm la byk masa free nk jln2)hehe..
snowboard pun aku x pegi..dak2 batch g 2 hari tp encek suami pegi esok mlm package berlainan higaeri je but at the same place..hehe
mls nk g sbb bkn leh main pon nnt menggigil kesejukan sorg2 buat snowman kat bwh je kan..hehe..
plus naik bus..so xmo amek risiko pslnye diriku ini amat kerap ke toilet lg2 preggy nih..kang dlm bas nk ke toilet je memanjang payah la pulak kan..hehe
xpe nnt ade tiket g japan murah kite g ekk ngan baby skali main snowboard(berangan lagi!)haha..
ok disebabkan plan nk jln2 ditangguhkan(g mne tapinye?) mari kite stat pikir nk habiskan duet encek suami beli ape new year sale nnt(mcm la byk duit sgt kan!)..haha..
Friday, December 23, 2011
few months left!
mmg x sabo pun nk settle down kat msia..
tp dlm xsaba tu cuak la jugak..cuak ngape?sbb byk bnde yg nk dicuakkan!huhu
mule2 dtg jpn excited gile..msuk 2nd year excited..msk 3rd year ma-ma..msk 4th year ohh sy mahu pulang!hehe..
encek suami slalu la berangan nk beli rumah kat jepun..die ckp duk kat kampung2 pun xpe la umah kecik2 pun xpe..cuti2 bole blk jepun..berangan je!hehe..
life cost kat jepun tinggi kot..brg xde yg murah sume mhl..huhu..
blk nnt for sureeee sgt byk bnda nk disettle kan..
kena pack brg nk blk(moga2 mampu lagi nk tlg encek hubby pack brg)..smpi msia settle bout clinic n baby thingy..encek hubby for sure kena g srwk dulu settle down kt sana..mintak2 la time nk deliver tu encek hubby berada disisi(ameen!)..after confinement baru laa bole follow g srwk n proceed next step..moga dipermudahkan~
ehhh..dah kena start buat proposal n update resume nih..nnt blk sng terus hntr je..huhu..mampu kah?mampu kah?insyaAllah..gambarimasu!
nk guna proposal masa dulu mcm x best la pulak..so prepare je la ekk proposal baru..
act 70% nk smbg master 30% nk kerja..tgk la rezeki yg mane menyebelahi saya nnt..huhu
kalo tnye encek hubby senang je die jwb..duk umah jaga anak je lah!huhu..
mmg la best duk umah jd fulltime hw je tapi nye bile difikir2kan mcm nk kena keja gak je..bile blk msia tgk brg bukan makin murah pun..nnt rumah lg keta lg anak lg itu ini dsb..sian le encek hubby kalo die sorg2..at least bole la tlg die bile time memerlukan ke kan..huhu..plg2 tak saving utk masa depan anak2 nnt..huhu..
ok mari start list bnda ape nk bwk blk n nk let go..n yg penting mari support encek suami habiskan master nye!hehe..
Thursday, December 15, 2011
4th check up!
so kembali kpd keadaan mcm family ku dtg dulu..bgn pepagi buta then blk tgh mlm..mmg super bz+letih..huhu
masa check up hari tu encik suami x sesabo nk tgk baby..masa nurse pgl nama aku g masuk bilik scan tp encik hubby x bole msk la plak..then memberanikan diri aku tnye doc bole x nk bwk hubby masuk doc ckp ok!yeayy!hehe..
actually woman n child clinic kat hospital ni org lelaki x bole msk pun tp aku ckp kat nurse yg konon2 aku x phm japanese n hubby lah translator nye so bole le masuk skali..hehe
alhamdulillah baby sihat..galak sungguh la die menendang2 dlm dunia die tu masa scan..seronok tgk!hehe..
next scan bulan 1 nnt..n doc ckp time tu maybe da bole tau boy or girl..huhu
n agak happy coz seems like i have regain my appetite!da bole mkn mcm biasa n also da bole masak!hehe..da muak dah mkn luar smpi x tau nk mkn ape dah asek bnda yg sama je..huhu
cuma susu je la x bole nk minum..so amek supplement yg all in 1 tu hopefully ok lah..huhu
in law ku dtg ni pun bonda tercinta kirim mcm2 la..huhu..siap print kan article2 for pregnant woman+doa2+surah2..rajin sungguh laa..huhu..eksaited kot...
smpi everytime call mesti ckp nnt baby tinggal la kat semenanjung masa aku kt srwk biar die yg jaga..huhu..aku jwb nehi..nehi..nnt rinduuu..haha..

mari tunggu next baby progress~
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
3rd check up
mlm sblm check up tu aku check kt buku yg doc bg mcm kena amek darah je esok nih..da smpi hospital mmg betul pun kena amek darah..huhu

memule buat urine test dulu then ultrasound then br amek darah..
masa buat ultrasound aku tggu je doc ckp bby sehat..bile doc ckp "akachan genki da yo" "kawai yo" lega nyeee..hehe..da nmpk clearly tgn, kaki, n heartbeat laju nyee..hehe..bby baru 2.04 cm..chicccaiiii desu ne~
da settle ultrasound g kaunter amek darah lak..bajet sket je la amek nye mcm test HIV dulu ke..
skali nurse bwk basket tgk2 ade 5/6 syringes..aku pun x kire 5/6 syringes sbb dah mcm geram byknye darah nk amekk..huhu..redha je lahh..
lps amek darah tu ok lagi..bile dah nk g kaunter byr bill rase x best dah..mule2 rse cam nk muntah..cepat2 tarik tgn encik hubby menuju ke toilet..tgh on the way tu rasa telinga makin dah x dgr pape..mata dah kabur2..pastu terus nk pitam..seb baek encik hubby bertindak pantas menyelamatkan keadaan..syukurr..hehe..tu la nurse amek darah saya byk2 lagi..hehe
blk encik hubby ckp die nk msk lunch..sian die asek kena masak je..kekdg kitaorg mkn luar..mkn luar pun ape sgt la bole mkn kan..huhu..x bole nk potong ayam/siang ikan..kalu beli ikan aku bli da siap siang..ayam mmg x bole langsung dah nk msk..huhu..kalu msk pun lauk lain2 aku msk tp bile bab ayam encik hubby yg mskkan..hehe..bile sendiri msk xde selera sgt nk mkn..bile encik hubby yg msk br mkn byk(mengade nih)haha..seb baek encik hubby pndi msk kan..simple yet sedappp!!hehe
susu pun x minum lagi nih..encik hubby pun ari tu bising dah suh minum susu..huhu..amek calcium tablet dulu..x rase bole nk mnum lagi takut muntah byk..huhu..tgk la next month ke try minum...sha n syifa ckp tmbh hershey's choc syrup sedap dlm susu..will try it later..huhu..hari2 minum air suam+100% fruit juice..minum tea/coffee pun try elak..tp kalo dah x tahan minum jugakk..haha..
next check up da jd 4 minggu skali..sblm ni 2 mggu skali..huhu..cant wait to see next baby progress..hehe..encik hubby suke sgt bile tgk gmbr baby=)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
moh le kite belajar pasal IKHLAS ni spy kita bole jadi ikhlas dgn setiap apa yg kita buat..
ikhlas ni dtg dari HATI..yg bermaksud kita lakukan sesuatu demi mencari keredhaan Allah..
tanpa disertai dgn hawa nafsu, pangkat & kedudukan, kemasyhuran, pujian etc...
sooo..marilah kita sentiasa memperbetulkan niat kita sebelum memulakan sesuatu utk medapat keredhaan Allah n secara x lgsg dpt dekatkan diri kita dgn pencipta kita..
insyaAllah kalau kita ikhlas iman bole bertambah..
kalau kita x ikhlas camne Allah nk terima amal/perbuatan kita tu..so kalo x ikhlas, kebarangkalian utk x dpt pahala tu tinggi..
niat tanpa ikhlas adalah sia-sia..
"dan Kami hadapi segala amal yang mereka kerjakan, lalu kami jadikan amal itu sebagai debu berterbangan" (Al-Furqan:23)
dr ayat diatas dptlah kita simpulkan yang Allah menilai sesuatu amal melalui keikhlasan yg dtg dr hati..bukan dr rupa n bentuk amal yg dilakukan semata-mata..
so, kita kena teliti n nilai amal yg kita lakukan sentiasa ikhlas x kira di rumah, tmpt kerja, tmpt bljr etc n mengikut syarak supaya masa&tenaga yg kita gunakan tidak sia-sia n amal kita diterima sbg amal soleh..
hanya dgn keikhlasan dpt membantu kita mengawal diri atau keinginan tersembunyi yg lebih bahaya daripada daripada apa-apa yg kelihatan..wallahualam..
*hasil dari pembacaan..sedang belajar mengikhlaskan diri..huhu
Friday, October 28, 2011
2nd check up~
1st check up last 2 weeks..ms tu baby baru 5 weeks n tgk gmbr doc scan sgt la kecik babynyee..
td gmbr utk 2nd check up baby da besar sket..n nmpk dah jantung die berdenyut2...subhanallah...terkesima jap tgk jantung baby berdenyut..huhu..*smiling*
gmbr2 scan doc bg dah siap tersimpan dlm album..semangat je kitaorg buat album baby..haha..
masa 1st check up tu pegi dgn harapan akan dpt byk nasihat dr doc sblm cam blur2 je lg*first time la katekan*
err terdiam jap..aku ke yg kena tnye?bkn doc yg kena bg advice?haha..adeh la docc..
aku pun tnye la soalan "doc bole ke sy mkn sushi?"(sbb smlm nye aku mkn sushi)*risau*..aku check kt internet sume kate x bole mkn..
pastu aku da blank nk tnye ape..doc ni mmg x bg advice pape pun psl vitamin ke supplement ke..
org2 kat msia sibuk duk srh aku g jmpe doc amek asid folic,iron etc..skali doc x bg ape2 pun..
blk tu cam x puas ati aku tnye la senior2 yg tgh pregnant mmg camtu ke doc kat sini..
2nd check up td pun xde ape sgt..buat ultrasound then nurse explain sket psl baby growth then buat appoinment utk 3rd check up n attend food balance class next week..
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"kecantikkan wanita"
watch this video woman..nice advice indeed..below are the links(part 1, part 2, part 3)
then you will know the meaning of the beautiful of a woman..slmt menonton~
Sunday, October 16, 2011
single skejap~
baru je die terbang ari ni dah duk fikir x sbr tggu die blk..huhu
xpelah!bersabar lah!hanya doa dpt ku kirimkan..cewahh..haha
blaja independent skett..hehe
hari2 pk nak mkn ape la aku nih..takde selera skrg..
mkn cam kena paksa..da lpr sgt baru le nk mkn..haih..
pastu cepat nau la penatnye wpun buat keje sikit..asek rase nk tdo je..tdo tdo tdo..haih lagi..
pastu da tdo siang mlm x bule tdo..haha
hmmm..lets see what will happen to hari2 mendatang...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
raya pun dah habiss..
raya ke 7 kul 530 pagi dah kuar nk g amek encik suami kat lcct..1st time drive sensorg pepagi buta g lcct..mmg cuak tp buat2 berani..haha..tp bile dah jmpe encik suami tu lega gilee~
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
got 2 choices only!
*aah ekk selama ni tiap2 taun aku blk time puasa&raya..thn ni je x blk..
Thursday, August 11, 2011
it happened on 11th!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
ramadhan terakhir diperantaun
yes, probably our last ramadhan n hari raya at japan..
before this mmg every year akan blk msia dlm bln ramadhan then biasa nye mmg blk raya skali(masa first year kat jpn je yg x smpt tggu smpi raya dah kena blk jpn blk)..
encek suami srh aku blk msia sorg2 sbb die x dpt blk..
M.I.L ku siap bekalkan ikan keli lagi..maklum le encek suami ni fanatik ikan keli..
wpun sedikit sedih x dpt blk tp as long as encek suami ade syukur dah..
berbuka msk ala kadar utk berdua pun dah kenyang..
target aku sebelum blk msia for good nih nk g melawat sume2 masjid yg ade kt tokyo(agak jauh kalu nk diikutkan)..teringin sgt nk g..asyik dgr org ckp je masjid2 tu cantik..huhu
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
life is beautiful!
"Oh Allah, teach me to love others just like I love myself, teach me to judge myself just like I judge others. And if I have wronged anyone,give me the courage to apologize, and if anyone wronged me, give me the courage to forgive because you have taught me that forgiveness is the highest level of strength and revenge is the highest level of weakness. And I ask you not to forget me in your forgiveness.."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
back to the past?
Friday, July 8, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Fisherman's Market








Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
pelik kah?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
selamat hari jadi!



Thursday, February 3, 2011
where you can find barakah??
If we were to look for an Islamic definition of Productivity, it can probably be summarised in the word “barakah” or Blessing. Being able to achieve more with few resources, doing much in little time, and generating a lot with little effort is surely a blessing from Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Yet Barakah has somehow become a lost treasure these days; everyone’s looking for it, but no one seems to find it! You always hear people complaining that there’s no barakah in their time, no barakah in their sleep, no barakah in their money and the rest of it.
In this article, we’ll solve this mystery inshaAllah: we’ll find out what Barakah is and where you can find it!
What is Barakah?
A Well-known daee explains it as follows:
والبركة: هي ثبوت الخير الإلهي في الشيء؛ فإنها إذا حلت في قليل كثرته، وإذا حلت في كثير نفع، ومن أعظم ثمار البركة في الأمور كلها إستعمالها في طاعة الله عز وجل.
“Barakah is the attachment of Divine goodness to a thing, so if it occurs in something little, it increases it. And if it occurs in something much it benefits. And the greatest fruits of Barakah in all things is to use that barakah in the obedience of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala)”
Sources of Barakah
I’m a firm believer that Barakah is not a lost treasure, rather, it’s right in front of our eyes! This treasure is only available and ready to be handed over to the one who works for it. Below, I list some of the sources of Barakah. It’s not an exhaustive list, therefore, I do hope you can contribute to it with your comments inshaAllah so we can all share and extend our understanding of this great treasure at ProductiveMuslim.com!
1. Good Intentions
If you want something to have barakah attached to it, have good intentions for it. More specifically, make sure that deed is intended for the sake of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Looking again at the definition of Barakah, you may guess that without us intending what we have or do for the Sake of Allah, the “Divine goodness” won’t be found in our deeds.
2. Piety and Belief in Allah
Allah says in the Quran: “If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (All kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth…”(Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 96). And He says in the Quran: “And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out. And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine” (Surah Al-Talaq, Verses 2-3).
3. Putting your trust in Allah
Allay says in the Quran: “And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion” (Surah Al-Talaq, verses 3)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “If only you relied on Allah a true reliance, He would provide sustenance for you just as He does the birds: They fly out in the morning empty and return in the afternoon with full stomachs. (Ahmad, An-Nasa’I, Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim and At-Tirmidhi)
4. Reading Quran
This is the fountain of Barakah! But subhanaAllah, we rarely drink from it! Allah says in the Quran: “And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it…” (Surah Al-An’am, Verse 92). So read the Quran, and observe the blessings and barakah of Allah enter your life. The further we are from this Book of Guidance, the less barakah we will have in our lives.
5. Saying Bismillah
When you say “Bismillah” before anything you do, you’re invoking the Name of Allah on that activity; not only will that activity be blessed but shaytaan cannot take part in it! So always say “Bismillah” before anything you do! mSubhanaAllah, it’s easy for us to forget to say “Bismillah”. Sometimes we’re so used to saying it that we cannot remember whether we said it or not! Try to be conscious of saying “Bismillah” and understand what you’re saying before your action is performed.
6. Eating with People
Anyone who has had the experience of inviting guests to his/her house will know this one. No matter how little you think the food you’re presenting to your guest is, it’s always more than enough! (Note: this is not an excuse to be miserly when you invite guests over; in fact we should follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) whom when visited by the angels prepared a large meal for them). What I’m referring to here is the blessing that occurs when eating together, confirmed in the hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said: “Eat together, for blessing is in Jamma’a (congregation or being together)…” and in another hadeeth:“Whoever has food enough for two persons, should take a third one, and whoever has food enough for four persons, should take a fifth or a sixth (or said something similar).” (Bukhari, Volume 4. Book 56. Number 781)
7. Honesty in Trade
This is for all of the business people out there (include ebayers!). We shouldn’t assume lying and deceiving people will make our trade profitable. On the contrary, it will remove the blessing from your trade. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:“The buyer and the seller have the option of canceling or confirming the bargain unless they separate, and if they spoke the truth and made clear the defects of the goods, then they would be blessed in their bargain, and if they told lies and hid some facts, their bargain would be deprived of Allah’s blessings”.( Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 293)
Yes, it’s difficult to be honest when you’re trying to sell something, but trust me it’s worth it.
8. Dua
Ask Allah for barakah! If you take note of some of the Duas of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) you’ll notice that the Prophet used to make dua for barakah. We always say: “May Allah bless you!” Well, guess what? That’s a source of barakah! Also, when you’re invited to someone’s house, Prophet Muhammad advised us to make the following dua for the host: “O Allah, bless for them, that which You have provided them, forgive them and have mercy upon them.”
9. Halal Income/money
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O people, Allah is good and He therefore, accepts only that which is good” (Scholars say this refers to Halal income and the importance of it).
A scholar also said of the one who eats Haram, that his limbs will disobey Allah whether he likes it or not, and that the one who eats Halal and seeks Halal income, his limbs will also do good and will be given the permission to seek goodness.
This concept of your limbs being ‘blessed’ and enabled to do good is truly a blessing and a barakah we should all seek. It reminds me of a story of an old man who jumped a large distance that the young men were unable to jump. When the young men asked the old man how he did it, he replied: “These are our limbs: we protected them from committing sins when we were young, so Allah preserved them for us when we got old”.
10. Following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad in everything
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the most Productive Man in the history of humanity is our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, by simply following his lifestyle and the acts of Sunnah we so often hear about, we obtain a great source of Barakah!
Some of these Sunnahs include: eating Suhoor, eating with the right hand from the side of the plate, going out for Eid Salah, licking your fingers after finishing your meal, sleeping on your right hand side, using the siwaak, and many more. Look out for these Sunnahs and follow them, for imitating the life of the most blessed man on earth is surely a source of blessing!
11. Praying Istikhara
Praying istikhara in all matters and then leaving the outcome to Allah as well as accepting His Decree is a great source of barakah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us this beautiful dua which helps us make decisions and not regret the choices we make in the following hadeeth:
On the authority of Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullah he said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) would instruct us to pray for guidance in all of our concerns, just as he would teach us a chapter from the Qur’an. He (peace be upon him) would say: ‘If any of you intends to undertake a matter then let him pray two supererogatory units (two rak’ah optional nafil) of prayer and after which he should supplicate:
‘O Allah, I seek Your counsel by Your knowledge and by Your power I seek strength and I ask You from Your immense favour, for verily You are able while I am not and verily You know while I do not and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allaah, if You know this affair -and here he mentions his need- to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life, and end, then decree and facilitate it for me, and bless me with it, and if You know this affair to be ill for me towards my religion, my life, and end, then remove it from me and remove me from it, and decree for me what is good wherever it be and make me satisfied with such.”
One who seeks guidance from his Creator and consults his fellow believers and then remains firm in his resolve does not regret for Allah has said:
‘…and consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah…” [Quran 3: 159]
12. Giving thanks to Allah in abundance
Allah says in the Quran: “If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you”. A scholar once told me that if one looks into this verse, the Arabic word that is used to confirm that Allah Wills favours unto the person who thanks Him is actually in the form of an Oath – “La azidannakum”. So Allah is promising the person who thanks Him an increase in goodness and blessings, and Allah never breaks His promises.
13. Charity
In a Hadeeth Qudsi, Allah says: “O son of Adam, spend (in charity), and I’ll spend on you!” Whenever you are broke, or you feel barakah is zapped out of your life and urgently need it to return, the quickest of way of gaining barakah in your life can be through giving charity. For example, let’s say barakah was removed from your life due to a sin you committed; charity cleanses your sins, adds good deeds and is a source of barakah.
I cannot describe the instantaneous gratification of giving charity and the barakah that follows it. Try it NOW!
14. Tying your ties of kinship
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah created His creation, and when He had finished it, the womb, got up and caught hold of Allah whereupon Allah said, “What is the matter?’ On that, it said, “I seek refuge with you from those who sever the ties of Kith and kin.” On that Allah said, “Will you be satisfied if I bestow My favours on him who keeps your ties, and withhold My favours from him who severs your ties?” On that it said, “Yes, O my Lord!” Then Allah said, “That is for you.” Abu Huraira added: “If you wish, you can recite: ‘Would you then if you were given the authority do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship?” (Bukhari, Volume 6. Book 60. Number 354)
15. Waking up early
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah.”(Ahmed)
This hadeeth was what spurred me to create ProductiveMuslim.com! Such gems of productivity are the sources of blessings which we should seek to make our life productive. Waking up early is such an important step to being blessed and feeling good throughout your day.
Try to wake up for Tahajjud, and then work during the hours before Fajr Salah. If you cannot, then at least wake up for Fajr and stay up till sunrise before you return to sleep. Those hours are filled with Barakah. If you’re able to go to work in those hours, do so, you’ll get much more work done than the whole day put together!
16. Marriage
Allah says in the Quran: “Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and He Knoweth all things.” (Quran 24:32)
Speaking of marriage, I highly recommend the following training course to anyone seriously thinking of getting married: www.Practimate.com.
17. Salah
Allah says in the Quran: “Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for righteousness”. To illustrate the point of Salah further, just imagine your life without this great act of ibadah. Where would Barakah come from? For those of you who are still wavering in your Salah, please get back on track; this is your lifeline for the final destination in the hereafter, and the daily food for your soul.
18. Asking Allah for forgiveness
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If anyone continually asks forgiveness from Allah, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did not reckon.”
I hope this covers most of the sources of Barakah, but as I said before, this is not an exhaustive list. Please add your sources and recommend more tips for us to share.