Monday, August 24, 2009

its hard for me...

today is the 3rd day all muslims enjoy their fasting day..
hopefully this ramadhan will be more barakah to me n all muslims than the last ramadhan..
keep it up guys...may Allah guide us to the right path...
ow ya i guess it's still not late for me to congrate those who have been received a scholar(scholars) to pursue their master next year..(congrate encek hazmi)
as for me..i've failed the interviews both for UMP n UNIMAS..
rezeki masih belum menyebelahi saya..
and rakan2 yg senasib dgn saya..i believed ade hikmah di sebaliknya...
n..right now..i am in a bit confusion...
confuse to decide what is the best for me in the future..
yes..future is unpredictable..but we have to choose the best for our future...
and to choose the best is not an easy things..
i have to consider for many things before i make a decision...
n that's hard for meee......
this week i've been always thinking about all these things..
keep thinking and thinking...
Ya Allah kau bantulah hambamu yg lemah me n guide me to the right path...


  1. kahwin ngan becko, leh duduk jepon lagi 2 tahun~ hehe..

    p/s dgr citer MAX 40 org bakal di pilih oleh YPM.. doa2 jer la nama kita bakal terpilih~

  2. sabar ye la cik sheera k.ade hikmah sme tu.rezeki itu sudah tertulis utk kte sme.cme kte je xtau.

  3. rezeki ade kat mane2 je shera.. xkire di nihon or di mesia..yg penting kita yakin..Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita..

    budak2 yg confirm dapat Unimas n UMP, da tak tersenarai dalam YPM nye ganbatte! masih ade peluang tu..

  4. @saido:hihi..bak mai duet kasi aku kawen..hihi..40 org?really?tu mebe utk yg di pgl interview kot..yg die nk amek mebe sket jer..

    @matle:hihi..sdg bersabar~

    kak nana:hopefully ade peluang utk saya...doakan ye kak nana..hihi...tq 4 da advice..slamat berpose~
