kelmarin ade la bday seseorg da tatau nk bwk g mane(tokyo tatau nk g mane)..pastu sy pun decide mmbw die ke concert jason mraz..kebetulan cik ajis serta cik peqah n encek lan(schoolmate saye)pergi best la cket ramai2..hihi..kitaorg memule pi mkn kat roppongi dulu..mkn kat iran restaurant...suggested by alireza akrami iaitu dak gunma dai(kwn peqah n lan)hihi...agak klaka...slalu je di buli oleh kami..hihi..pas mkn solat2 sume then we all moved to shibuya..concert itu berlangsung d C.C Lemon Hall kt shibuya...concert stat kul 7...awal2 tu grup kimaguren wat opening gak grup tu..hihi..pastu jason wat show smpi lebey kurg kul 9...mmg mantap..suare die ley wat mcm2 suare..kagum cket kat ctu..hihi..last2 tu die combine ngan kimaguren wat show..masuk plak tu lagu jason nagn lagu kimaguren..hihi..best2..pastu nk blk cam awal lg pi mkn2 dulu ngan diaorg..then bout 10 br la kitaorg gerak puas ati la coz jason mmg pndi amek ati peminat..cara die perform bagus..dan plg gumbira encek beko gumbira sy mmbw die ke ctu..hihi..happy bday to u lah yer...da 22..tue!!sy pule bakal menyusul ke alam 22 nnti..huu...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
jason was awesomed~
act sy da nk update blog ni kelmarin tp x menyempat nyempat...hihi..cik hana pun smpi ym saye suh update blog..die busan la tu(hana br bape ari kat msia takkan da busan kot:P)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
jyousei gentei trip..hihi
jumaat mlm ari tu mereka smpi gak kerumah sy..wpun sehari je mereka tdo kat uma sy tp sy sgt2 gumbira dgn kedtgan mereka..hihi..the first grup yg smpi adelah grup2 shibaura girls..yg len2 tu(tom n da gang) smpi lmbt coz mereka bertolak ngan kereta..hihi..aktiviti pertama pade mlm itu adelah mmbuat,cik as,ain kcik,dan cik tka berusaha menyiapkan karipap pade mlm itu..kitaorg supper pd mlm itu dgn karipap tersebut..hihi... haa...mcm2 bentuk karipap..heksagon..oktagon..sume 'gon' ade..hihi..klaka2..

bile girls dah berkumpul mcm2 la cite tak biase je kan..hihi..tdo mlm tu dlm kul 3 kot..pastu soknye bgn pepagi prepare2 food utk dibawa mase trip kami..hihi...departed from umah sy bout 11 am then first tmpt yg kitaorg p adelah ke tempat ichigo gari(strawberry picking).memandangkan sy dah g ichigo gari b4 diz sy pon tak masuk bersama ngan ain duk kat luar je bergosip2 smpi derang abes mkn..
dan..juara makan strawberry itu adelah cik mijah..55 bijik tau cik mijah mkn..hihi..pastu kitaorg moved to next destination iaitu atsugi..kat sana da smpi kitaorg check in then pi maen2 kat hall..maen basketball la...badminton la..n so on..hihi..pastu ptg tu kitaorg blaja wat udon sendiri..uli tepung sendiri...mesin sendiri smpi la jadi udon..masak syoyu sendiri..ptg syr sendiri..sume sendiri lah sng citer..sgt best!!!dan udon itu sgt lah sedap...maklumler..hasil tgk sendiri kan..hihi...malangnye saye hanye bersama mereka sehari je..mlm tu sy balek ke tokai semula ats sebab2 yg tak dpt nk dielakkan:P..hihi..whatever it is sy sy gumbira bersame dgn kamu semua hari tu..mari plan next trip pule..hihi
Thursday, February 19, 2009
ypm's visit to tokai~
hihi...lil bit shocked when i received email from fujimoto the day before yesterday that ypm will visit tokai university today..fortunately for me i had nothing to do and could meet them..they arrived at about 10 am and we went to the 食堂 and had small talk there..borak2 cam biase je..not really talked bout serious matter..yg ade pun just me,beko,hilmi,tajuddin,kak nana..yg len balek msia n bz..oh ya...kak halimah also was there as the tourist guide(i guessed)..hihihihi..then cik nur n dr suhaya told that they want to visit my house..aiyooo..rumah ku dilawati..apesal la x pi umah cik nana ker:P..seb baek la umah x bersepah...hihihi..n the others went to visit hilmi's house..after that we had lunch at 夢庵..boraks2 n makans2 then went back to tokai university to take some memorable picture..hihihi..really happy they came came again ya...
in front of my house~
wit tokaians..time ni cik nana x smpi lg..hihi
mkn kat yumeian~
tak nmpak la pule fuji mountain..




Tuesday, February 17, 2009
seperti yang ku jangka terjadi~
seperti yg ku jangka terjadi..hihihi..hari yg ku tunggu2 tibe jua..ptg tadi sy de driving test..dr umah smpi le ke tempat berlepas nk amek test tu sy tak cuak pon..pelik gak..sebab saye rase mmg saye akan fail kot:P..lg2 mamat jepun yg terer speaking kat sebelah saye ckp die pun tak lps mase first time..yg mamat peru lak ckp"better not to tell u how many times i failed"..hihi...pastu korek2 la cket dr mamat jepun yg terer speaking tu kat mane yg patut kena pay attention..die pon gtau la sket2..saye bajet sy akan naek satu kereta ngan encek beko sebab angka giliran encek beko depan saye...dapat la sy tgk encek beko drive dulu b4 sy drive..skali..encek beko nek keta len saye nek keta len...fortunately for encek beko sebab die tgk org len drive dulu b4 die drive...unfortunately for me saye menjadi pemandu dgn ade sorg mamat duk blkg tgk saye drive..nape la die tak drive dulu..malu sungguh saye...hahaha...blasah je la bwk..pakcik polis yg duk sebelah saye ni smgt explain itu ini kat saye..maklum le sbb sy ckp kat die ni first time saye amek clas tanpe practise dulu...tgh2 drive mmg semang gile la die..mebe die cuaks kot sbb sy perempuan n first time amek test..hihi..tgh2 drive mmg semang gile la die.."ok belok kiri!..ok belok kanan!ok jln terus!ok laju!ok KITE BALEK LAH SEBAB AWAK NYE MARKAH NI DAH FAILED!" menjadi over excited dgn semangat pakcik tu yg berkobar kobar sehingga saye rase mamat yg duk blkg tu pun gelak kot dgn smgt pkcik tu yg berkobar kobar...slps memberi nasehat sy ckp time kaseh kat pkcik tu n keluar dr keta dgn geli hati+malu kat mamat yg tgk sy drive kat blkg...mesti die kutuk2 sy tu..hahaha..pas da abes tu sy nek atas balek borak2 ngan mamat jepun peru tu..mamat peru tu da 5 kali rupenye die failed..masuk yg ari ni nye 6 kali la..hihi..mamat jepun tu pulak br sekali tp die lepas kot yg ari ni nye sbb tgk die bwk keta td cam ok..hihi..pas sy n encek beko pon failed kami pegi ke saizeriya n mkn sepuas puasnye meraikan ke"fail"an kitaorg..kikikiki
Thursday, February 12, 2009
silap haribulan da..
huhu..aku dgn smgt nye bgn pagi2 pade hari ini(wpon rase sedey sket sbb mostly tokaians rmi yg da balek..tggllah daku bersame beberape org sahaja yg juge akan pulang tidak lame lg(T_T))..mandi2 n siap2 utk ke dai(U)..dgn bangganye mengunci pintu..skali br je menapak dlm 20 langkah ade pakcik kuroneko lalu n berenti depan umah..punye la lari patah balek ingt aku nye brg yg aku order smpi..skali brg org laen..malunye saye:P..pastu patah la balek g dai..smpi2 kat dai pegi la 16号館..sebab sensei kate happyou(presentation) 4 nen sei(student 4th year)ade lah d ctu tp aku tatau tgkt bape..skali aku ngan encek beko dgn smgtnye naek la tgkat due..intai2 sket kat dlm kelas2 tu...nmpk la senpai2(senior2) tu dlm clas tu tp...x la nmpk mcm ade happyou..lek je derang borak2 cam baise dlm clas tu..aku da x sedap ati..trn la bwh balek..g la kat area2 bilik sensei tu konon2 nk tnye sensei..skali tak jd..patah balek 16号館..terserempak ngan senpai2..pastu tnye la derang..happyou bile..sekali derang jwb esok da...cessssss..punye la smgt bgn awal wpun terase katilku sungguh sedap utk ditiduri pade waktu itu(sebab smlm tdo lmbt lepak kat saizeriya nagn kak nana azril shidee anas shairam encek beko n matle smpi la saizer tu tutup)...rupenye sala dgr tarikh da..huhuhu..terus je balek..masak2 simple2..mkn..smbg balek tdo..moral of da story..jgn jadi spt saye yg slalu je sala tarikh:P
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
ape nk msk ye ari neh....
the day before kelmarin mkn pakistan food..kari la..nan la..tandoori chicken la n so on..tq furuuchi sensei coz spent ur money for our food:P
kelmarin mkn saizeriya..spagethi...
then blk mkn nasi tomato n ayam msk merah n acar coz teringin nk mkn nasi tomato..
smlm tanpa mkn nasi sy mmbuat murtabak..yummy..sodap!!..cet..puji diri sendiri lak..hihi..
ari ni...hurm..ape sy nk masak yer..

Friday, February 6, 2009
second snowboard
second snowboard sgt best..wpon x selama first snowboard,x seramai snowboard first n saket2 bdn tp puas ati coz dapat blaja wat 's'..hihi..tq la ye kepada org2 yg terer cam bart n khalili n jahar sbb ajar kitaorg..hihi..berbaloi la saket2 bdn tu sbb mmg blaja tanpa give up..hihi..second day tu cam da give up da da mls men sbb saket2 bdn tp bile pk kalu g tp x men rugi la last men kaw2 second day tu..puas ati..hihi..sian kat akak totoro n kwn akak die coz saket2 bdn..first day cam biase la kan duk jatuh bgn je keja diaorg..blaja second day tu derang da bule men da..hihi..gud experience for them..bout the food lak food yg mkcik tu serve utk kitaorg best2..thank ya mkcik for the time saye g tmpt mkcik je la..hihi..pau yg bart susume pun best gak..hihi..n more interesting ade org tu terpakse tdo dlm oshire..sebabnye..tnye pade tuan punye bdn..hihi..for me lg best la men kat nozawa onsen dr kitashiga..syokyuu die je pnjg..pas syokyuu sggah chukyuu nk pi chukyuu tu diriku da terlepas ke jyokyuu..patut la tggu dak2 ni sume takde..rupenye diriku sudah terlajak..bile khalili dtg ckp aku da terlepas da cuak da..pk2 gak la nk trn ke tak jyokyuu tu..nk patah balek impossible la sbb xkan nk mendaki nek balik..nak tak nak trn je la slow2..seb baek la slmat trn bwh..hihihi..pen

Monday, February 2, 2009
aaa...yabai!!!i really forgot that i had promised okada to discuss with the senpai(senior) about our kenkyuu(research)yesterday..i thought yesterday was first of february but...actually yesterday was so so so sorry okada san~~...lucky for me that he waited me until i arrived at the kenkyu many problems yesterday...jimin's pendrive excel didn't iphone also returned to safe mode again..had to prepare for snowboard..had to deposit the money n others...pity of me..yesterday trained myself to be more patient and made me to learn how to manage many things in one time...
aaa...yabai!!!i really forgot that i had promised okada to discuss with the senpai(senior) about our kenkyuu(research)yesterday..i thought yesterday was first of february but...actually yesterday was so so so sorry okada san~~...lucky for me that he waited me until i arrived at the kenkyu many problems yesterday...jimin's pendrive excel didn't iphone also returned to safe mode again..had to prepare for snowboard..had to deposit the money n others...pity of me..yesterday trained myself to be more patient and made me to learn how to manage many things in one time...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
weekend @ hachioji..
finally..i'm home after spent 3 days n 2 nights at hachioji..didn't mean to stay there so that long..but..haiyo..what can i do..hihi
actually i wanted to stay there for 1 night only bcoz had sumting to settle with sorg encek ni..the first night i called mijah and asked for her permission to stay at her home..eating sushi..chatting2..then i arrived at mijah's house nearly 430 sorry to mijah bcoz made her waiting me til that time..fortunately mijah still awake at that time..hihi..
then the next day we planned to go back to tokai..firstly they brought me n encek beko to pakistan's restaurant and we had our lunch there..then after borak punye borak pakcik jimin instigated encek beko to stay for one more we??after dicussed then we agreed to stay there for one more night..that night all hachiojians had kak fatin birthday party..we joined the party with a little bit guilty(biase la tetamu x diundang)..huhu..they served two big turkey chickens,cupcakes and other foods..hihi..that was the first time in my life i ate turkey chickens..sedap!!..hihi..but i really like the stuffing..(leh la ajar nnti ye kak fatin)..hihi..
eating n eating..watching movies..then i decided to stay at ain's house and they sent us at about 5 a.m..(tdo lmbt lg saye..hihi..da bape ari la tdo lmbt..)
the next day..woke up late..jahar fetched me and evy at about 2 pm and the boys went to play futsal...while waiting for them evy n i cooked some foods bcoz we already hungry...we made jahar house like our's..hihi..sorry yek..the time both of us wanted to eat unfortunately the boys arrived..lucky for them because we already predicted that this things will happened and we have cooked for them too..
eating n eating...chating2...then jahar said he want to send us til tokai..quite shocked but im happy bcoz didn't have to go back by train..hihi..the truth was he wanted to spend more time wit tuttt...kot..hihi..what ever la jahar oi..
jimin n bad tried to instigate encek beko to stay for one more day but they failed..leganye saye..hihi..and finally..we went back to tokai..
whatever it is i really enjoy spent my time there...tq to all hachiojians~~
actually i wanted to stay there for 1 night only bcoz had sumting to settle with sorg encek ni..the first night i called mijah and asked for her permission to stay at her home..eating sushi..chatting2..then i arrived at mijah's house nearly 430 sorry to mijah bcoz made her waiting me til that time..fortunately mijah still awake at that time..hihi..
then the next day we planned to go back to tokai..firstly they brought me n encek beko to pakistan's restaurant and we had our lunch there..then after borak punye borak pakcik jimin instigated encek beko to stay for one more we??after dicussed then we agreed to stay there for one more night..that night all hachiojians had kak fatin birthday party..we joined the party with a little bit guilty(biase la tetamu x diundang)..huhu..they served two big turkey chickens,cupcakes and other foods..hihi..that was the first time in my life i ate turkey chickens..sedap!!..hihi..but i really like the stuffing..(leh la ajar nnti ye kak fatin)..hihi..
eating n eating..watching movies..then i decided to stay at ain's house and they sent us at about 5 a.m..(tdo lmbt lg saye..hihi..da bape ari la tdo lmbt..)
the next day..woke up late..jahar fetched me and evy at about 2 pm and the boys went to play futsal...while waiting for them evy n i cooked some foods bcoz we already hungry...we made jahar house like our's..hihi..sorry yek..the time both of us wanted to eat unfortunately the boys arrived..lucky for them because we already predicted that this things will happened and we have cooked for them too..
eating n eating...chating2...then jahar said he want to send us til tokai..quite shocked but im happy bcoz didn't have to go back by train..hihi..the truth was he wanted to spend more time wit tuttt...kot..hihi..what ever la jahar oi..
jimin n bad tried to instigate encek beko to stay for one more day but they failed..leganye saye..hihi..and finally..we went back to tokai..
whatever it is i really enjoy spent my time there...tq to all hachiojians~~
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